7 Nutrients to Lower Your Blood Pressure

7 Nutrients to Lower Your Blood Pressure

Aug 31, 2018

If you want to lower your blood pressure without the side effects of prescriptions and other pharmaceuticals, we have good news for you! There are many safe, natural, and effective nutrients that can assist you in your quest for lower blood pressure.

More than half of all Americans from the ages of 65 to 74 years old, and 72% of all African-Americans in the same group suffer from high blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the major factors of stroke or heart attack risk. It is typically regarded as the most dangerous factor for a stroke.

Below you will find 7 ways to lower your blood pressure without medication.

Get Sufficient Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a beneficial vitamin when taking into consideration your blood pressure. It has a number of wonderful health benefits. However, many Americans today do not have sufficient vitamin D in their bodies.

It is currently thought that you cannot get the right amount of vitamin D through diet alone. The best way to increase your vitamin D intake is to expose your bare skin to sunlight in a safe manner. Also, vitamin D supplements are a great way to increase your vitamin D levels.

Drink Beet Juice for Natural Nitrites

Recent studies show that drinking fresh beet juice can lead to reductions in blood pressure. That doesn’t sound that drinking just 16 oz. of beet juice per day can significantly reduce blood pressure in healthy subjects. Beet juice seems particularly beneficial and effective for reducing blood pressure and can actually reduce it within just 1 hour and continue to reduce it for up to 4 hours.

Beet juice helps to reduce blood pressure by providing your body with nitrite. The juice contains dietary nitrates which form nitrite. Once in circulation, this nitrite is then converted to nitric oxide. nitric oxide is known to be a dilator of blood vessels which can significantly reduce blood pressure.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally

Omega-3 essential fatty acids have long been understood to contribute to a healthy heart and brain. They can reduce blood pressure as well as keep your body healthy in other ways. It is important to include omega-3 fatty acids as part of your diet. This is considered the safest and easiest way to include this nutrient. You can absorb Omega-3 fatty acids through consuming Seafood like salmon, seeds such as chia seeds or flax seeds, and even vegetables like Brussel sprouts. A quick Google search can reveal all of the food products that contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Eat Fresh, Raw Garlic for Blood-Pressure-Reducing Allicin

Garlic has been used in traditional medicine for hundreds of years and even today. It continues to impress us with its many medicinal properties. Allicin, contained in garlic, has been shown to assist in reducing blood pressure. Studies show that raw garlic provides more allicin than other forms of preparing garlic. Its garlic becomes cooked, the beneficial sulfur-containing compounds may be significantly reduced. So, if you want to use garlic to reduce your blood pressure, it must be done with raw garlic.To get enough, you would need to eat one to four cloves of fresh garlic per day. Consider adding fresh minced garlic to your salad dressing in the evening to avoid garlic breath.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)

Coenzyme Q10 plays a vital role in a healthy body. Most people who are healthy have sufficient levels of CoQ10 in their body already, however, many people who are aging or who suffer from some medical conditions may also have low levels of coenzyme Q10. There is sufficient evidence to conclude that CoQ10 can lower blood pressure in the body. It can also be used to treat heart failure and other heart conditions.

The best way to get CoQ10 into your body is to consume foods such as organ Meats like heart, liver, and kidney. You may also find it in varying levels from muscle Meats like pork, beef, and chicken. Another way to find CoQ10 is in trout, Herring, sardine, and even vegetables like spinach.

Drink Black Tea

A study done in Australia in January 2012 suggests that drinking three cups of black tea daily for 6 months resulted in a reduction of three points in systolic blood pressure and two points in diastolic blood pressure. Although this might not sound like a dramatic reduction, it could reduce your heart disease and stroke risk by 10%.

The reason that it is thought that black tea can reduce your risk of stroke and decreased blood pressure is due to the flavonoids in the tea that improve the tone of your blood vessels, assisting them to channel blood efficiently.

Increase Your Magnesium Levels

Magnesium has been shown to significantly reduce blood pressure. This is important to know, because, research shows that most adults do not get the already recommended dietary allowance of 320 mg of magnesium for women and 424 men. For every 100 mg increase of magnesium, the risk of stroke is reduced by almost 10%.

The reason magnesium helps your body to naturally lower your blood pressure is because it helps to dilate the blood vessels and also prevents heart spasms. magnesium has also been observed to dissolve blood clots.

Hopefully all of these tips will help you to naturally reduce your blood pressure without the assistance of harmful medications with serious side effects.

August 31, 2018

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