If a typical day in your life begins with syrupy pancakes and a Starbucks coffee and ends with takeout dinner and a can of soda, then chances are you’re eating to satiate cravings rather than to nourish yourself. An increase in cravings for sugary foods may be fine occasionally, but on a regular basis, it points towards blood sugar upheavals that require your immediate attention. And some serious lifestyle changes, as well.
Our country is no stranger to the epidemic of diabetes and blood sugar-related disorders such as heart disease, PCOS, metabolic syndrome, etc. More than 34 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes, with over 88 million people dealing with pre-diabetic conditions. What’s more worrying is that blood sugar disorders used to be regarded as something that would afflict middle-aged or older people, when the stark reality is that an increasing number of children and young adults are being diagnosed with diabetes. This sharply increases their risk of developing other serious health conditions as they get older.
The reason, you ask? A nutrient-stripped diet consisting of addictive sugary foods, coupled with a minimal-movement lifestyle, does not offer any opportunities for our bodies to utilize the consumed sugar as energy effectively.
Also, a notable mention to the sugar industry of the 70s and 80s that would run advertisement after advertisement, promoting baseless claims of sugar being ‘healthy’ for children and adults alike, simply to have more people buy their drink, cereal, or soda. When word became familiar about the damage sugar could do to our health, enter – sugarless products containing ingredients that doubled down on the damage and still got the addictive results.
We are being lured with sugary enticements the minute we step out of our homes. It is little wonder that what would usually be a little treat has now turned into a lifestyle. Conventional medicine offers a ‘wait and watch’ approach to treating blood sugar disorders. When things get too dire, drug therapy is introduced to control the damage. Neither of these strategies helps lessen the increasing burden of a diabetic diagnosis.
The need of the hour is to prevent more blood sugar disorder diagnoses with a scientific, researched, and closely-monitored strategy to restore normal functioning in the body before it gets to an irreversible stage. In short, a functional medicine approach can be life-saving if you are genetically predisposed to diabetes, or are dealing with pre-diabetic symptoms.
You don’t have to turn into a marathon runner to be considered as living an active life – simply move more and sit less. This movement may be walking your dog, lifting weights, swimming, high-intensity interval training, or anything else you enjoy. According to research, walking for even 30 minutes a day reduces your chances of developing Type 2 diabetes by 50%. You can even start by cutting down the amount of time you spend sitting while working or watching TV.
With a 360-degree Functional Medicine approach, you can successfully reverse insulin resistance or pre-diabetes and live a disease-free life. Using the proven methods of holistic medicine, our doctors create a systematic plan for you to improve insulin sensitivity and help you make some permanent lifestyle changes.
To know more or to book a discovery call with our specialists, contact us at 346-240-4911.